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Wow!! Great pictures and a lovely story. Congratulations and Good Luck!
Bill Wolf, co worker
Looking forward to saturday.
Scott and Danita Leese, Friends
Bryan and Christiane, I pray all of God's blessings on your marriage. We'll be thinking of you on Saturday and beyond!
Judi Crocker, Bryan's cousin
Exciting to see all the pictures! It will be a great day. I look forward to helping you make this day a very special day. Sharon
Sharon Jones, Friend of the Bride
Love the website, photos -- beautiful shot of temple, fun pix of after cast party -- Hey, Bryan, where are the Our Story photos -- I am "sure" you are just sitting around twiddling your thumbs -- sure! I am so happy for both of you.... I knew Joyce and Gary long before Bryan was a gleam in their eye -- Gary was my boss at Armstrong's egg ranch as I worked in summer as an egg packer! I recall baby Carlene.
Linda Campbell, Friend of Joyce & Bryan & soon Christiane!
We were so happy to get your invatation. This is a wonderful time for you both. We wish you an eternal life of love and happiness.
John and Patti Payne, friends of Bryan
We just received your invitation in the mail. You are a beautiful couple. Congratulations!! We are so happy for you! We hope all goes very smoothly. Love, Galadriel and Wade Hutchings and Dylan, Sadie, Brooklyn and Cole
Galadriel Hutchings, Cousin to Bryan
congratulations. I plan to attend the reception...
Barbara Williams, Friend of Joyce's
Congratulations! It was wonderful to read your stories and share in your happiness at finding one another. Our family wishes you all the best on your new lives together.
Robert Watkins and family, former colleague of Christiane and friend
Wonderful to read how you met and your relationship progressed. You make a lovely couple. Bryan I have always loved Christiane since I met her and have been so impressed with her determination and motivation. I wish you both all the happiness in the world. Love
Linda Sawin, Friend to Christiane, Cyndy Fuller's mother
Christiane you are one special lady, Brian is luck to have you in his life. Congratulations both of you. May the Lord Bless you and Love you always. Thank you for having me on your special day.
Francisca Catherine Boy, Best Friend
Bryan and Christiane, This was really great news. Even though we only met Christiane once, Linda and I were so impressed with her that we spoke of how nice it would be if your relationship would end in a lifelong journey and happiness. Congratulations!!! P.S. Bryan, please accept my sincere apology in advance for the decorating I plan to do to your car! Let me know if you have any preferred color schemes. Just kidding!!!!! Love, Randy and Linda
Randy and Linda Kearns, Brother and Sister In Law of Bryan
You both look so happy! I know you will have lots of new experiences in the near future that will help you grow together as a couple. Enjoy every one of them! I'm so happy for both of you. (And I LOVE the web page--very nice!)
Maureen Mason, Christiane's colleague and former office mate
Congratulations on your engagement -- it has been so fun to hear snippets about your fairytale relationship. You look beautiful together!
Kristina Lowe, friend
God bless you both! I am so happy for both of you -- you both look so happy. In fact, in the seven years I have known Bryan (and we have spent a lot of time together in church assignments) I have never seen him so happy. Thanks for sharing the blessing of your happiness. B -- nice job on the WEB site!
Christian Sonne
My Dearest Christiane, You are positively glowing! I can not wait to meet the special guy who put the happy smile on that gorgeous face! I am honored to be asked to be a part of this momentous occasion. I wish you both all the love and joy your hearts can hold.
Stephanie L. Capriulo, friend
This is wonderful news. We're looking forward to meeting the rest of Christiane's family and spending more time together. Bryan, we won't decorate your car TOO much!
Steve and Linda Kearns, Brother and Sister to Bryan
Congrats Kids! We wish you the best.
Kristen Vander Veen & Daniel Gabay
love the web site, makes it SOOOO much easier to access information.
Denise Blakely Fuller, sister of the bride